"Pigeon holes are for pigeons, and long lists of so called genres just don’t fit the Q&D bill."
Have you ever drove to work in the morning, and every light is green, the traffic is non-existent, and the sun is shining? That’s what Q&D brings to its 5 disciples, every day. A safe haven where the troubles of the day just fade away. That’s exactly what we bring to everything we put out.​ Q&D loves the finer things in life. Parties with all the added extras; records with nothing but tender loving care; garms that fit just right, big sound, and a whole lot of love.
Queen & Disco started out as a way for friends to share tracks and views about music. The main driving force behind it all was the fact that ‘genre’ didn’t matter, so long as what was being played was something you could get into, may it be lyrically or through a straight up groove or beat. In short, our music policy has a focus on degenrelisation. Bit of a mouthful, but hits the nail on the head as far as we’re concerned. Pigeon holes are for pigeons, and long lists of so called genres just don’t fit the Q&D bill. We play party music and that’s it.
The music though is just one part of it, for the thing to work, everything has to come together. Venue, sound, music, and most importantly of all, the crowd (Which we’ve been absolutely blessed with so far).
Helping to keep the music spectrum as wide and varied as possible is made all the more easy by the fact that Q&D is made up of 5 members; Barry Crumley, Rajpaul Crumley, Bee Mc Cormick, Marc Mc Laughlin, and Alan Mooney who all bring their own influences to the fore.
With the birth of Q&D Records, radio shows, local residencies, and a thriving selection of the Q&D mix series, there are many strings to this bow.

( Marco, Baz, Bee, Alan & Raj )